Monitor TLS Certificates Expiration
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It is very important for any website and business to renew their TLS and SSL certificates before they expire. If not, it can happen that customers cannot access your website and shop anymore and will loose trust when accessing the page.
With Amber Signal we will help you to prevent this easy mistakes and make sure your website stays accessible for your customers.
First we need to find out which certificate we want to monitor. In most cases this is your website. E.g.: In 99% for most websites the TLS/SSL certificate is running on port 443. This is the default port for HTTPS and is used when you are accessing almost all websites in your browser.
Now we know that we want to monitor the website and use the port 443. For Amber Signals to monitor the certificate we need to combine them into one address. In our example this would be If we would want to monitor our own website it would be
Now we can create the service in Amber Signals and start the monitoring process. Go to the dashboard and open "TLS Certificate".
The description should be something that you can identify this. The address is in the format which we created in Step 1.
Finally expiration is when Amber Signals will start sending you notifications. We recommend to use 10 days. If you choose a smaller one you might not have the people or time to renew the certificates (e.g. someone is on vacation or its weekend).
Once selected the notification channel you can save it with confirming on "Add". Now we will keep you informed before the certificate will expire and you can make sure no disturbance to your website will happen.